How search engines work

How search engines work

Have you ever wanted to find information on the internet, like how to make a paper airplane or about your favourite animal or movie? A search engine can help you find what you’re looking for!

A search engine is like a giant library where you can find information about anything you want. But instead of books, it looks through millions of websites on the internet to find the information you need.

When you type in a question or keyword into a search engine, like "how to make a paper airplane," the search engine looks for websites with information about making paper airplanes. It does this by searching for the keywords or phrases that you typed in.

The search engine uses something special called an algorithm to help it find the most helpful websites. An algorithm is a set of steps that the search engine follows to get the best results.

For example, if you typed in "how to make a cardboard car," the search engine would look for websites that have those keywords and look at how other people have rated those websites. If a lot of people have clicked on a certain site or spent a lot of time reading it, the search engine knows that it is a good website and will show it to you first.

When the search engine returns the results, it shows you a list of websites that it thinks might have the information you're looking for. You can click on any of the links to go to the website and learn more about making a cardboard car!

So, a search engine is like a big helper that can find information for you on the internet. By using keywords and algorithms, search engines can find the best websites and give them to you so you can learn about everything you want to know!


To conclude, a search engine is like a giant library that helps you find information on the internet. Using a search engine is like having a helper find things for you on the internet. By typing in a question or keyword, you can learn about anything you want, from making things to learning about other stuff. By understanding how search engines work, you can become a better researcher and find the information you need quickly and easily!